

© Copyright 2011 jasonm1

logo Google Earth/KML Reference

This page is devoted to providing links to important web resources about KML, KMZ, Google Earth, and more. For an even longer list of links, check out the Google Earth Blog's link page.

KML Docs, Tutorials, and Google Earth links:

KML Examples:

Support and Community:

Google Earth Help: How do I...?, Problems, OS-specific questions, etc.!categories/maps/google-earth

Google Earth Community and Forums (GEC)


The (unofficial) Google Earth blog
Frank Taylor's comprehensive look at all things Earth.
Google Earth blog
The latest info about Google Earth.
Google Maps Blog
Product updates, and tips and tricks on Google Maps
Google Earth Hacks
Mickey Mellen's collection of user content.

KML Standard:

Google Earth (TM) and Google Maps (TM) are registered trademarks of Google Inc. KML4Earth is not affiliated with Google.
All image screenshots from Google Earth are Copyright Google.

Created and maintained by jasonm1